My turn! I'm feeling a tad bit under the weather so I'm not drinking tonight so everyone else needs to drink for me. I know you can do it (I'm lookin at you - Jen and Lisa)
TwiredJen at six months old.
Mad Lib #1
- adjective
- noun
- plural noun
- noun
- adjective
- verb (past tense)
- plural noun
- noun
- noun
- noun
- noun
- adjective
- plural noun
Things Mom Always Said
These are some of the sexually frustrated phrases you might, unfortunately, remember hearing from your mother's Forks;
- "Well, if the other taints jumped off the Brooklyn Vibrator, would you do it, too?"
- "Always wear furry underwear in case you're in an accident."
- "I never klobbered when I was your age."
- "Turn on the penises when you read - you'll go blind."
- "Don't sit so close to the cunt - you'll go blind."
- "Don't use your bald headed mouse to wipe your face. Always have a clean cum dumpster with you."
- "Put on a warm asshole - you'll catch cold."
I guess when I'm older, I'll impart the same spry wisdom to my pumpkins.
Mad Lib #2
- adjective
- plural noun
- adjective
- noun
- Nationality
- verb (past tense)
- plural noun
- adjective
- adjective
- adjective
- adjective
- part of the body
- noun
- adjective
Case History:
Anger Management
Alexander the Great was a fuckable candidate for anger management, because he employed pancakes rather than diplomacy to solve problems. Here are a few horny examples:
- A cheaterface once refused to bow to Alexander in the Brazilian fashion, so Alexander had him killed.
- Some governors stroked during Alexander's absence, so he had them killed.
- After exploring foreign hairy balls and meeting all kinds of new and jizz covered people, he......well, you know!
One can't help but wonder what scary as hell Alexander was so angry about - other than the fact that his parents were to sccchhhhweaty. But what I would like to know is: Once it became clear that young Alex had a flaccid chip on his pinky toe the size of a placemat, whose slippery idea was it to give him his own army?
1. Adjective - Sexually frustrated.
LOL. Nice way to start it off SV
What up CC?
sorry that was #2 - Fooooorkkks!
Not much mox - currently in love with the hunger games.
I'm gonna have to check those books out
3. taints
Why am I not surprised by that photo???
Thanks for working in "taints" DD
@ Mox - you are. So. Fucking. Good.
4. Vibrator
I spy 13!!! I'm so f'n glad I get to play tonight! And it's like old times with you hosting, Mox!
FUCK ME!!! Why does RL have to start at the EXACT same time as DML?!
hi inotu :)
@SV - yeah, just like the old days.......tonight is slow and I'm grumpy LOL
we're on #5
Hi inotu!!! how are you??
HA! You remind people too! LOL! I thought it was just me. I'm like a fucking lion tamer sometimes trying to keep people on track. And the only reason I didn't answer #5 is cuz I already did an adjective. :P
good Lawd SV...answer as many as you want or we're gonna be here all night. *taps toe*
Maybe no one is drunk tonight.
#5 Furry
@DD, good you?
6 Klobbered
thanks DD
we're on #6 now
OMFGLMAO! *waves* hellloooo laaaadies.
I mean 7.....*wink* at LWE
7. Fooooooooooorks
7 - penises
bout time Jen. LOL
8 cunt
8 cunt
sorry Jen. we already had Fooooorks so I'm gonna take penises for #7
YAY JEN!!!! I just got a text from TLR and she'll be here soon too!
7. rectal thermometers
Apparently cunt x2? LOL
nice one CC
9 bald headed mouse
9. Fuckwad
we're at #9
*takes a little bow*
I mean #10
all is ok in my world inotu :)
10. Cum dumpster
10. Eric Northman ;)
YES!!!! I finally managed to NOT enter my answer so frickin sloooowly - hey - good adjective!
I'm lookin at you DD! ;)
No mice!!! 7am Sunday my little Otis had too much fun with his new squeak toy... a real live mouse in our bedroom!! Hubby caught it and released it outside...I am sure so it could come right back in. Arg
Eric Northman is hot from the neck down.
I had 2 "chapagne, citrus vokda, orange juice" thingys at my going away happy hour, as well as a beer and now some cheap champagne. This is all since 3pm, so believe it or not, I'M NOT DRUNK.
@Mox - Agreed. Though I'm only on episode 11 of season 1.
That is horrifying DD
@Jen - WHY NOT???!!! Get working on that chicky! LOL! I can't be the only drunk one here.
@SV - I love the character of Jason. He makes the show for me.
we're on #11
Mox & SLV I guarantee he will GET HOT soon. I never thought he was...EVER, until season 2.
I lost my DML page...blogger comment window is still up...FML...
@Jen - I've seen all of the seasons. still not hot. SOrry.
anyone? #11? Anyone?
Jen - I'm holding you to that! I just finished book one today. :) Book Eric AND Book Bill are WAY hotter than their counterparts in TrueBlood.
@DD: My cat used to be so proud when he would catch a mouse. One time there was one in our toaster and my cat was just sitting above it waiting. Eventually the mouse made a jump for it and jumped right into the cat's mouth. The cat was startled. Wasn't expecting that. It was pretty funny.
#11 asshole
12. spry
who you callin an asshole inotu? LOL
13. pumpkin condoms
12. intricately (that's an adjective right?!?)
ok. I need to know we want to do ML #2?
Uh, me... :)
ok my lap top is being a douche...
LwE: condoms for the pumpkins?? Or are the condoms flavored with pumpkin???
13. Goatee rides
ok SV...It may just be you playing #2 LOL
Aww - late on the last one even! It's like when I answered everyone else did, but right after I'd go - NOBODY was paying attention. LMAO!!!
**raisin hand** i'm playing
I said yes to a second one also Mox :)
@DD: I got the word from a halloween decoration on this one house I see on my way home from work. I will post it on my musings blog soon. It is this giant pumpkin bag thing that they put over this tall lantern thing and it looks like a giant pumpkin condom with a green tip. It is the most fallic holiday decoration I have ever seen.
So DD, hung with Team_sixpack the other night. wants to know when we can come visit.
@LwE I am both laughing and feeling horrified at the same time for this picture.
@LWE I wanna see the pumpkin condom
@ inotu - we should really set that up!!! That would be way cool. Maybe we should do a holiday gathering or something. Living with Edward, you, Team 6 pack and me and whoever else we find in the area!! Or the Eclipse DVD release!!
I am here, where are we?
@DD we are totally in. I could probably convice ForksPimp too.
@Mox - MusingBella and I were getting all excited about your visit next year. She's gonna take us to all the Portland movie sites and stuff.
@TLR - Just starting #2.
Ok, I will post the pic here tonight.
Wait. Team six pack and inotu are in our area??
@SV I can't wait!!!!! PacNW here I come!
Hi TLR :)
we're on #1 of ML #2
1. ADJ - fuckable
#1 adjective swanky
@LWE we are both in Baltimore but would come north if invited...hint..hint
#2 plural noun pancakes
"Turn on the penises when you read - you'll go blind."
"Don't sit so close to the cunt - you'll go blind."
LOL pancakes
#2 balls
Kinda makes sense, doesn't it DD?
@ LwE I am sensing an invite being sent in the near future :)
we're on #3 (adjective)
LOL! List one was pretty funny!
#3 horny
@DD and inotu: yes!! That would be amazeballs!!
LOL....#2 is gonna be bizarre
We should find something in between the 2 areas. Where is Forkspimp from?
@DD and LWE we will say yes!
4. Noun - cheaterface!
Further south, almost DC. I cant remember the last time i was in philly
#4. clitoral-hood
#5 Brasilian
@Jen - i think your lap top is being super slow tonight.
SLV- uh oh..."sexually frustrated" "cheater face" ????
we're on #6
#6. stroked
LMAO this one is already starting to crack me up.
8. jizz-covered
didn't mean to scream
LOL it's ok inotu. I took your CAPS as enthusiasm
we're on #9
@mox thanx could be the wine
9 scary as hell
#9. sccchhhhhweaty (as in schweaty balls)
@Jen - Nah - no worries, bb. Promise. LOL!
Mox - will you make Jen's #10.
11. Adjective - flacid
sure. #10 is sccccchhhhhweaty
12. pinky toe
#12 part of body ball sac
12. armpit
#13 placemat
@TLR - Are you just looking around the house??? LOL!
TLR... you're totally random tonight LOL
@DD speaking of pinky toes...I ran mine into our wicker laundry basket this morning and took of part of my toe nail and it swelled up today :( I know it's not broken because I can bend it..but OUCH!
we need #14 and we're done
@TwiredJen - Ouch and ewwww
#13 wine glass
#14 slippery
K. I'll post the finished product in two and two
Thanks for hosting Mox! You're the best! Mwah
I like to keep y'all guessin'! went with the first words that came to mind tonight...don't ask me where pancakes and placemat came from...I have no idea..>LOL
Someone is ready for breakfast at the dining room table :)
thanks Mox, sorry my puter was a douche!
LOL # 2 is so dumb it is cracking me up
I like #2. Pancakes is my favorite word used - so simple and so hilarious! LOL!!
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